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Confidently Pass
The Leaving Certificate!

Do you want to achieve your goals on the Leaving Certificate?

Achieve them with the help of the e-Matura free resources to support your learning. Start preparing for success today!

Przedmioty na platformie

Do you want to achieve your goals on the leaving certificate?

Achieve them with the help of e-LeaveCert platform, where you can find free cheat sheets and notes!

Cheat Sheets

Are you looking for the key information about each subject collected in one place?

Check out our free cheat sheets for different subjects. Gather all the key information in one place and master the leaving certificate topics.

Leaving certificate Tips & Tricks

Want to prepare for the leaving certificate while having fun?

Discover daily tips and tricks on our TikTok channel! We share practical advice on effective study techniques, leaving certificate preparation strategies, and a glimpse into the everyday life of a leaving certificate student—all with a fun twist.

Free leaving certificate resources

Do you want to know everything about the leaving certificate?

Gain access to our free leaving certificate resources and get all the essential exam details, including dates, structure, and curriculum. You’ll also discover subject-specific resources and expert study tips, such as customizable study planners, effective note-taking strategies, and smart time management techniques to help you succeed.


Do you want to learn the best practices for leaving certificate success?

Explore our free e-library for expert tips on studying, leaving certificate preparation, and stress management. Find practical advice to boost your focus, optimize your study routine, and stay motivated.

Why choose

With our free content you will:

Enjoy your holidays worry-free

Enjoy your holidays worry-free, knowing you’re fully prepared for the leaving certificate exam.

Spend less time preparing and achieve even better results

Spend less time preparing and achieve even better results, giving you more time to focus on what truly matters.

Deepen your knowledge

Master even the most complex topics with ease.

Achieve your desired result

Paving the way for future success and opportunities.

Understand the Topics Faster

Give yourself more time to review and perfect your skills.

Zespół entuzjastycznych korepetytorów, którzy wiedzą, co Cię czeka

Nasi energiczni i pełni pasji korepetytorzy są gotowi przeprowadzić Cię przez materiał. Zespół EduMatury rozumie wyzwania, przed którymi stoisz, i jest tu, aby pomóc Ci osiągnąć sukces!


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You can expect special benefits, rewards, and plenty of free tips for preparing for the leaving certificate!